Gravlev Lake is located in Lindenborg Ådal by Rold Skov. The lake, which is approx. 65 ha, has existed since the Ice Age as an outpouch on Lindenborg Å
This lake is the result of a nature restoration project. The original large lake, approx. 50-60 ha, and covered the ground from Lille Blåkilde all the way to the bottom of Rebild Bakker at Ravnkilde. However, the original lake was drained in a project in the 19th century, and in 1910 the lake was gone.
Since the 1990s, a restoration of the lake has been implemented, and around 27 ha has been restored. This was done in order to protect and re-establish the biological diversity and the open landscape. Since 2005, the lake has been a part 1028 ha area which is a subject to preservation of nature.
The lake is, furthermore, a habitat area and bird protection area. The lake has still not been reconnected to the stream, Lindenborg Å, but the spring, Gravlev Kilde, keeps the lake clear of ice, which the animals in and around the lake benefit from.